From the week’s materials, I have learned about the importance of seeking out learning barriers to make learning environments more inclusive and accessible. Identifying barriers in learning design instead of labeling the struggles of the learner is the foundation of planning with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in mind.

Learning Activities from Our Blueprint and How I Will Adjust Them to Meet the Needs of My Learners in An Unexpected Event, like a Pandemic, The Training They will Need, and How The Training Will Be Carried Out.

From our Blueprint, we enumerated learning activities like; comparison chart, role-playing scenarios, and group discussions, just to mention a few.

(A) i. Comparison Chart: With this activity, in the event of an unexpected circumstance like a pandemic, we will make use of collaborative tools like Google Docs where students can create and work on their charts. Allowing students to share their screens during a virtual class to discuss and comment on their charts.

ii. Training and How It will Be Done: I will introduce learners to how to use of collaborative tools and making tutorial videos available on that, or through a live session, and use a session or two to practice with them how to share their screens during a virtual class.

(B) i. Role-playing Scenarios: For this, I will make use of Zoom and put learners in breakout rooms for their role-playing activities to be done in small groups. These activities will be recorded for a subsequent class discussion and feedback.

ii. Training and How It will Be Done: I will train my learners on how to join a group in breakout rooms on Zoom, give them guidelines and tutorials on how to record their role-play, and take them through privacy issues and the appropriate ways of sharing their contents. Since I can not do this in-person because learners will be at home or various locations, I will make available to them tutorial video(s) demonstrating and explaining the steps on how to join a breakout room on Zoom and explain the process involved in recording.

(C) i. Group Discussion: For group discussion, I will make use of virtual meeting platforms like Zoom, Google Classroom, or Google Doc to facilitate discussions among learners by making use of discussion boards.

ii. Training and How It will Be Done: I will make use of virtual mediums of meeting platforms for synchronous discussions and discussion boards for that of asynchronous discussions. I will give them a guide and video tutorials on how to use discussion boards.

In general, I will have an orientation session for learners on how to use the platforms or online tools we have decided to use. I will do so by making available to my learners audio-visual recordings of relevant things and steps they should know and follow. I will create a communication channel for all of them to put their difficulties and/or ask questions as we do by using “Mattermost.” This will enable me to engage with them and continue to offer them support as in when it is needed or for a friend or peer to help (thereby promoting peer tutoring).

Group Discussion as A Learning Activity, Barriers to Student Success, and How to Reduce Those Barriers.

  1. One major barrier to student success when it comes to group discussions as my chosen learning activity is “technical issues”, which has to do with poor internet connectivity, some learners not being familiar with the chosen virtual platform(s), and other issues with their electronic gadgets. Besides these issues, some learners may not even have access to an electronic gadget due to family financial status and location, let alone internet connections.

To deal with these issues, I will talk to learners to always test their devices before hand and make use of Wi-Fi for internet connection as it is better than cellular networks, if it is available to them. For those due to financial constraints who may not have a device to use, I will encourage them to pair with classmates within the same community or neighborhood who have access to electronic devices.

2. Another important thing which will act as a barrier impeding student success is the difference in time-zone as there is a possibility of students not being in the same geographical location(s) for their group discussion. This is a typical example of what a student posted on “Mattermost.”

To reduce this barrier, I will make available different or numerous discussion hours/times or put learners within the same time zone in the same groups. Also, I will make contributions to discussions flexible so that learners can provide recorded feedback or responses.


We can establish a more inclusive and effective learning environment by taking proactive measures to remove these possible barriers. By applying the principles of UDL, we make sure that all learners can access our instructional materials which will promote motivation and enhance academic achievement.


Assignment #1: Learning Design Blueprint (Group work),

Right to Education – Inclusive Education. (2014). Retrieved from website:


  1. kale

    Hi Const

    I really enjoyed reading your insightful post on cooperative learning. You did an excellent job tracing the historical development of the theory and highlighting key figures who have contributed significantly to its evolution. I found the connection between cooperative learning and our Blueprint topic on “Motivation and its importance in teaching and learning” particularly compelling.

    Your explanation of how cooperative learning fosters positive interdependence, individual accountability, and social skills is very clear and well-articulated. The examples of Kagan’s Structures, such as Think-Pair-Share and RoundRobin, provide practical strategies that teachers can easily implement to enhance student engagement and collaboration.

    I appreciate how you linked cooperative learning to intrinsic motivation by showing how it reduces competition, increases self-efficacy, and makes learning more enjoyable for students. This alignment with our focus on motivation highlights the importance of creating a supportive and collaborative learning environment.

    Overall, your post effectively illustrates the benefits of cooperative learning in promoting both academic and social development. I agree that when implemented effectively, cooperative learning can yield significant educational benefits and create a more inclusive and caring classroom atmosphere.

    Great job!

    Best regards,

    • ctant59

      Hello Kale

      Thank you for your comment, I sincerely appreciate it. But, it seems to me that you intended this comment for “Blog Post#2”, which was about Cooperative Learning.
      I will be glad if you can please just copy this comment and put under Blog Post#2.

      Thank you.

    • kale

      Woops, sorry about that. I will do it and leave the comment for your blog #3!!

  2. nayeonoh

    Hi Constant, your plan for adjusting learning activities to meet the needs of students during unexpected events, like a pandemic, effectively incorporates principles of Universal Design for Learning. I believe that providing training through the use of video tutorials and communication channels will be very helpful for students to utilize collaborative tools to conduct the learning activities. Addressing barriers such as technical issues and time zone differences with practical solutions like device testing, flexible discussion times, and recorded feedback demonstrates a thoughtful approach to inclusivity. Overall, your proactive measures promote an inclusive and effective learning environment, fostering motivation and academic success among all learners.

    • ctant59


  3. yiqingliang

    Hi Const,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog post on creating inclusive and accessible learning environments, especially during unexpected events like a pandemic. Your insights into identifying learning barriers instead of labeling learner struggles resonate deeply with me.

    Your practical examples of how to adapt activities such as comparison charts, role-playing scenarios, and group discussions are very helpful. Using collaborative tools like Google Docs and Zoom breakout rooms not only ensures continuity but also keeps the learners engaged and connected.

    I appreciate your detailed approach to training learners on using these tools, with tutorial videos and practice sessions. This proactive strategy will undoubtedly help students feel more comfortable and confident in navigating the digital learning environment.
    The solutions you proposed for common barriers, such as technical issues and time-zone differences, show a thoughtful understanding of diverse learner needs. Pairing students who lack devices with classmates in the same community is a great idea, and offering flexible discussion times is crucial for accommodating various schedules.


    • ctant59


  4. kale

    Hi Const!

    You have done an excellent job thoughtfully considering how to adapt learning activities to ensure inclusivity and accessibility, particularly in unexpected situations such as a pandemic. The choice of Google Docs for the comparison chart is practical and encourages collaboration, and the use of screen-sharing to discuss charts adds an interactive element that can enhance understanding. Using Zoom breakout rooms for role-playing scenarios is a great way to facilitate small group interactions, and recording the sessions for later discussion ensures that all students can benefit from the feedback. Implementing virtual meeting platforms and discussion boards for group discussions caters to both synchronous and asynchronous learners, accommodating different schedules and time zones. Providing tutorial videos and live sessions to train students on using the tools is a proactive approach, and the idea of a dedicated communication channel like Mattermost for support fosters a sense of community and continuous support.

    However, while encouraging students to test their devices and use Wi-Fi is good, it might be beneficial to include more robust support for those with persistent technical issues, such as partnering with local libraries or community centers to provide internet access and devices. Offering multiple discussion times and grouping learners by time zone is practical, and asynchronous discussion boards where students can post and respond at their convenience, supplemented by periodic synchronous check-ins, could further enhance flexibility. Ensuring all training materials are accessible by providing transcripts, subtitles, and alternative text for images is crucial for inclusivity. Encouraging peer tutoring and support by assigning “tech buddies” or creating a peer support system can help students feel more connected and supported. Establishing a feedback loop where students can voice their challenges and suggestions regarding the use of these tools, through anonymous surveys or regular check-ins, will help refine these strategies. Overall, your approach aligns well with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles by proactively identifying and mitigating barriers to learning, fostering a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.

  5. tianshan

    Hi Constant

    It’s great to see a strong emphasis on inclusivity and adaptability in your learning design. Identifying and addressing barriers rather than labeling learner struggles is indeed the cornerstone of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Your plans for using collaborative tools like Google Docs, Zoom breakout rooms, and discussion boards are practical and effective. Providing thorough training, including video tutorials and live practice sessions, ensures students are well-prepared. Addressing technical issues and time zone differences by encouraging device testing, promoting Wi-Fi use, and offering flexible discussion times shows a proactive approach. Creating a supportive communication channel like Mattermost fosters peer tutoring and continuous support. Your thoughtful strategies will undoubtedly enhance motivation and academic success in diverse learning environments.

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